By Safiya Roberts
Theatre Hawkes Bay’s production of “Beyond Reasonable Doubt” opened with an intense first act that truly made the audience feel like they were a part of the jury. The courtroom setting was authentically brought to life, drawing the audience into the high-stakes legal drama surrounding Sir David Metcalf, respected lawyer accused of the murder of his wife. The immersive set design and sharp performances created an atmosphere of genuine tension. Throughout the show you could feel everyone in the audience trying to question and analyse the evidence presented to them.
John Graham delivered a compelling performance as Sir David Metcalf, portraying a man whose fate rested in the hands of those around him. His delivery of each line was measured, capturing the character’s controlled demeanor while also allowing glimpses of vulnerability. His character completely switches gears in act two and is almost unrecognisable, and he portrays this contrast perfectly. Opposite him in the second act, Linda Gilchrist as Lady Millicent Metcalf provided an emotional and intimate atmosphere, in contrast to the solemn environment in act one. Her portrayal masterfully balanced the strength and pain of her character. Neil McCorkell and the other supporting cast members added to the intensity of the courtroom scenes, really bringing the trial to life.
I thought the contrast between the first and second acts was one of the production’s most striking elements. The first act was tightly focused on the trial itself, the second act pulled back the curtain on the personal lives of the characters. Moving from the cold objectivity of the courtroom to the playful intimacy of the living room, the audience saw a different side of the characters. The emotional weight of the second act was carried by John Graham and Linda Gilchrist, their ability to portray the chemistry between the characters allowed the audience to connect in a much more personal way.
Theatre Hawkes Bay’s “Beyond Reasonable Doubt” delivered an engaging courtroom drama and a deeply personal exploration of its characters. With strong performances and an exciting tonal shift between acts, the production kept the audience on opening night invested from start to finish.